lundi 3 septembre 2007

St Samson de la Roque

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5 commentaires:

SusuPetal a dit…

Those cliffs look good, white and dangerous.

claude a dit…

C'est très sympa de visiter ta région avec toi ! J'ai perdu HPY tout court ! Laisse moi un comment pour que je le repique.

Anonyme a dit…

Oletko laittanut vähän punaista laivan kylkeen? Hieno kuva joka tapauksessa.

hpy a dit…

Laiva oli kylla alunperin punainen. Paitsi missa oli valkoinen.

Mary Stebbins Taitt a dit…

This is very cool. Your picturesare beautiful, this one is really nice, and the blog layout is wonderful too.

Thank you so much for you information about your blog template, hpy.

I looked at the choices of blog templates and did not see any that were different. I will have to look into this because I really love your wide pictures.

Altri ego