jeudi 4 octobre 2007


Posted by Picasa

13 commentaires:

claude a dit…

Sous la pluie et en voiture ! Non ?

Cuckoo a dit…

Yes, it looks like a vehicle in the rain but I think the photo is been photoshopped also.

What do you say, hpy?

hpy a dit…

I never use Photshop Cuckoo, just a little bit Picasa, especially on this blog. Exceptionnally on the other one.

Nazzareno a dit…

...une nuit bleue, les lumières des autos, quelque goutte de pluie... celui-ci est ce qui voient les yeux. Les sens entendent par contre l'envie de revenir à la tiédeur d'une maison, et de qui nous attends.

Trijnie a dit…

Sometimes I donn't know what to say.
Hope you do not mind I repeat myself over and over: beautiful hpy

Liisa a dit…

Juuri noin selvästi sitä joskus ajaessa näkee. Kaunista!

Anonyme a dit…

Tämä voii olla taulu. Onko se kiitos, vaikkei tarkoitus ole vähätellä valokuvausta?

hpy a dit…

Ei se ole vhattelya Tuima, ei ainakaan minusta. Painvastoin.

Artists With Artitude a dit…

You captured the feel of the rain and the ghostlike lights beautiful. I feel like I was behind the wheel.

And by the way, how many languages do you speak?! Amazing!

hpy a dit…

I didn't know that pictures speak several languages, Neda! (I thought it was a universal one...) And you speak at least two! Maybe more. (You may count the langauges on my hpy blog.

Cuckoo a dit…

Oh I see. :)

Anonyme a dit…

Hieno kuva! Kuin akvarelli tien päältä.

hpy a dit…

Akvarelli = vesivarimaalaus. Kyllahan tuolla vetta oli, Kesakko.

Altri ego